Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A Dark Prairie Requests My Presence

by José Lezama Lima
translated by Andres Rojas

A dark prairie requests my presence;
its tablecloths, stable and taut,
whirl around me, fall asleep in my balcony.
They rule its expanse; its endless
alabaster dome recreates itself.
Over the waters of the mirror,
its voice brief amid one hundred paths,
my memory prepares its surprise:
fallow deer in the sky, dew, the glow of flames.
Without sensing I am being called
I enter the prairie slowly,
self-sure in a new, molten labyrinth.

There I see distinguished remains,
a hundred heads, bugles; a thousand purposes
open their sky, their quiet sunflower.
Strange, this sky’s surprise,
where, without desiring to, footsteps return
and voices sound in its swollen center.
A dark prairie is passing by.
Of the two, wind or thin paper,
wind — a wind wounded with this
magical death, one and a farewell.
A bird and then another no longer quiver.


Una oscura pradera me convida,
sus manteles estables y ceñidos,
giran en mí, en mi balcón se aduermen.
Dominan su extensión, su indefinida
cúpula de alabastro se recrea.
Sobre las aguas del espejo,
breve la voz en mitad de cien caminos,
mi memoria prepara su sorpresa:
gamo en el cielo, rocío, llamarada.
Sin sentir que me llaman
penetro en la pradera despacioso,
ufano en nuevo laberinto derretido.

Allí se ven, ilustres restos,
cien cabezas, cornetas, mil funciones
abren su cielo, su girasol callando.
Extraña la sorpresa en este cielo,
donde sin querer vuelven pisadas
y suenan las voces en su centro henchido.
Una oscura pradera va pasando.
Entre los dos, viento o fino papel,
el viento, herido viento de esta muerte
mágica, una y despedida.
Un pájaro y otro ya no tiemblan

Credits:  The above poem was found in translation at Teoppoet Poetteop.

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